Data Management Plan (DMP) Overview

Figure 1


DMP Resources

Figure 1

The funding announcement. Most grant programs create an announcement, which may be called by any of a number of acronyms such as a “CFP” (call for proposals) or “NOFO” (Notice of funding opportunity) to publicize their funding opportunity. After navigating to the funding announcement, you can scan through the associated links to look for information on their data management plan requirements. Below, you can see the information provided in a National Institutes of Health Notice of Funding Opportunity:
NIH NOFO DMP info.png
In case the funding announcement does not have the information you need, proceed to the other items on this list.

Figure 2

Funder application instructions or website. Large funders will have a website set up to help researchers through the application process. Looking through the documentation can help you understand their requirements for data management plans. This example from the NIH application instructions redirects you to, their website specifically for data sharing: NIH application instructions.PNG

Figure 3

This chart shows a basic workflow to help you choose a repository
This chart shows a basic workflow to help you choose a repository

Supporting Researchers

DMPTool and Common DMP Issues

Figure 1

Q1. Example data management plans are available without logging in to the DMPTool. Which option should I click on to find example data management plans? Image of options

Figure 2

Q2. For participating institutions, it is possible to find plans developed by researchers at your institution. After logging in to DMPTool, where would you click to find these plans: Image of options

Data Management Plan Services