Introduction to OpenRefine

Importing data into OpenRefine

Figure 1

OpenRefine Create Project screen, with highlights for the address bar, mentioned settings and the Create Project button.
Create Project in OpenRefine

Layout of OpenRefine, Rows vs Records

Figure 1

Screen capture showing OpenRefine in Rows mode.Screen capture showing OpenRefine in Records mode.

Faceting and filtering


Working with columns and sorting

Figure 1

Note the addition of a menu called Sort which appears after your first sort command. It follows the number of rows displayed.
New Sort menu appears above grid after first sort command

Introduction to Transformations

Writing Transformations

Transformations - Undo and Redo

Transforming Strings, Numbers, Dates and Booleans

Transformations - Handling Arrays

Exporting data

Looking Up Data

Figure 1

At this point, your screen should be similar to this: Add column by fetching URLs screen capture