Python for Librarians

Indexing, Slicing and Subsetting DataFrames in Python


Teaching: ?? min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do we access different parts of a DataFrame?

  • Learn about 0-based indexing in Python.

  • Learn about numeric vs. label based indexes.

  • Learn how to select subsets of data from a DataFrame using Slicing and Indexing methods.

  • Understand what a boolean object is and how it can be used to ‘mask’ or identify particular sets of values within another object.

Making Sure Our Data Are Loaded

We will continue to use the articles dataset that we worked with in the last exercise. Let’s reopen it:

# first make sure pandas is loaded
import pandas as pd
# read in the survey csv
articles_df = pd.read_csv("articles.csv")

Indexing & Slicing in Python

We often want to work with subsets of a DataFrame object. There are different ways to accomplish this including: using labels (column headings), numeric ranges or specific x,y index locations.

Selecting Data Using Labels (Column Headings)

We use square brackets [] to select a subset of an Python object. For example, we can select all of data from a column named Authors from the articles_df DataFrame by name:


This syntax, calling the column as an attribute, gives you the same output:


We can also create an new object that contains the data within the Authors column as follows:

# create an object named authors that only contains the *Authors* column
authors = articles_df['Authors']

We can pass a list of column names too, as an index to select columns in that order. This is useful when we need to reorganize our data.

NOTE: If a column name is not contained in the DataFrame, an exception (error) will be raised.

# select the Authors and ISSNs (publishers) columns from the DataFrame
articles_df[['Authors', 'ISSNs']]
# what happens when you flip the order?
articles_df[['ISSNs', 'Authors']]
#what happens if you ask for a column that doesn't exist?

Extracting Range based Subsets: Slicing

REMINDER: Python Uses 0-based Indexing

Let’s remind ourselves that Python uses 0-based indexing. This means that the first element in an object is located at position 0. This is different from other tools like R and Matlab that index elements within objects starting at 1.

# Create a list of numbers
grades = [88, 72, 93, 94]

indexing diagram slicing diagram


  1. What value does the code below return?
  1. How about this:
  1. Or this?
  1. In the example above, calling grades[4] returns an error. Why is that?

Slicing Subsets of Rows in Python

Slicing using the [] operator selects a set of rows and/or columns from a DataFrame. To slice out a set of rows, you use the following syntax: data[start:stop]. When slicing in pandas the start bound is included in the output. The stop bound is one step BEYOND the row you want to select. So if you want to select rows 0, 1 and 2 your code would look like this:

# select rows 0,1,2 (but not 3)

The stop bound in Python is different from what you might be used to in languages like Matlab and R.

# select the first, second and third rows from the articles_df
# select the first 5 rows (rows 0,1,2,3,4)
# select the last element in the list

We can also reassign values within subsets of our DataFrame. But before we do that, let’s make a copy of our DataFrame so as not to modify our original imported data.

# copy the surveys dataframe so we don't modify the original DataFrame
articles_copy = articles_df

# set the first three rows of data in the DataFrame to 0
articles_copy[0:3] = 0

Next, try the following code:


What is the difference between the two data frames?

Referencing Objects vs Copying Objects in Python

We might have thought that we were creating a fresh copy of the articles_df objects when we used the code articles_copy = articles_df. However the statement y = x doesn’t create a copy of our DataFrame. It creates a new variable y that refers to the same object x refers to. This means that there is only one object (the DataFrame), and both x and y refer to it. So when we assign the first 3 columns the value of 0 using the articles_copy DataFrame, the articles_df DataFrame is modified too. To create a fresh copy of the articles_df DataFrame we use the syntax y = x.copy(). But before we have to read the articles_df again because the current version contains the unintentional changes made to the first 3 columns.

articles_df = pd.read_csv("articles.csv")
articles_copy = articles_df.copy()

Slicing Subsets of Rows and Columns in Python

We can select specific ranges of our data in both the row and column directions using either label or integer-based indexing.

To select a subset of rows AND columns from our DataFrame, we can use the iloc method. For example, we can select month, day and year (columns 2, 3 and 4 if we start counting at 1), like this:

articles_df.iloc[0:3, 1:4]

which gives:

                                               Title  \
0   The Fisher Thermodynamics of Quasi-Probabilities   
1  Aflatoxin Contamination of the Milk Supply: A ...   
2  Metagenomic Analysis of Upwelling-Affected Bra...   

                                             Authors  \
0                     Flavia Pennini|Angelo Plastino   
1                         Naveed Aslam|Peter C. Wynn   
2  Rafael R. C. Cuadrat|Juliano C. Cury|Alberto M...   

0           10.3390/e17127853  
1  10.3390/agriculture5041172  
2       10.3390/ijms161226101  

Notice that we asked for a slice from 0:3. This yielded 3 rows of data. When you ask for 0:3, you are actually telling python to start at index 0 and select rows 0, 1, 2 up to but not including 3.

Let’s next explore some other ways to index and select subsets of data:

# select all columns for rows of index values 0 and 10
articles_df.loc[[0, 10], :]
# what does this do?
articles_df.loc[0, ['Authors', 'ISSNs', 'Title']]

# What happens when you type the code below?
articles_df.loc[[0, 10, 35549], :]

NOTE: Labels must be found in the DataFrame or you will get a KeyError. The start bound and the stop bound are included. When using loc, integers can also be used, but they refer to the index label and not the position. Thus when you use loc, and select 1:4, you will get a different result than using iloc to select rows 1:4.

We can also select a specific data value according to the specific row and column location within the data frame using the iloc function: df.iloc[row,column].


which gives:

'Metagenomic Analysis of Upwelling-Affected Brazilian Coastal Seawater Reveals Sequence Domains of Type I PKS and Modular NRPS'

Remember that Python indexing begins at 0. So, the index location [2, 0] selects the element that is 3 rows down and first column in the DataFrame.

Challenge Activities

  1. What happens when you type:
  1. What happens when you call:
    • articles_df.iloc[0:4, 1:4]
    • articles_df.loc[0:4, 1:4]
    • How are the two commands different?

Subsetting Data Using Criteria

We can also select a subset of our data using criteria. For example, we can select all rows that have a single author.


Which produces the following output:

      id                                              Title  \
15    15  Performance-Based Cognitive Screening Instrume...   
27    27  Comments on Ekino et al. Cloning and Character...   
64    64  The Ubiquity of Humanity and Textuality in Hum...   
     Author_Count             First_Author  Citation_Count  Day  Month  Year  
15              1         Andrew J. Larner               4    1     11  2015  
27              1           Leopoldo Palma               4    1     11  2015  
827             1        Natale Perchiazzi               9    1      3  2015  
932             1          Anaelle Tilborg               9    1     11  2015  

Or we can select all rows that have more than one author.

articles_df[articles_df.Author_Count != 1]

We can define sets of criteria too:

articles_df[(articles_df.Month >= 7) & (articles_df.Year <= 9)]

Python Syntax Cheat Sheet

Use can use the syntax below when querying data from a DataFrame. Experiment with selecting various subsets of the “surveys” data.

Challenge Activities

  1. Select a subset of rows in the articles_df DataFrame that contain articles from at least 2 authors in Spanish (LanguageId=3). How many rows did you end up with? What did your neighbor get?
  2. You can use the isin command in python to query a DataFrame based upon a list of values as follows: articles_df[articles_df['ISSNs'].isin([listGoesHere])]. Use the isin function to find all articles from particular ISSNs. How many records did you get?
  3. Experiment with other queries. Create a query that finds all rows with an Author_Count of 0 or less.
  4. The ~ symbol in Python can be used to return the OPPOSITE of the selection that you specify in python. It is equivalent to is not in. Write a query that selects all rows that are NOT in English (LanguageId=1).

Using Masks

A mask can be useful to locate where a particular subset of values exist or don’t exist - for example, NaN, or “Not a Number” values. To understand masks, we also need to understand BOOLEAN objects in python.

Boolean values include True or False. So for example

# set x to 5
x = 5
# what does the code below return?
x > 5
# how about this?
x == 5

When we ask python what the value of x > 5 is, we get False. This is because x is not greater than 5 it is equal to 5. To create a boolean mask, you first create the True / False criteria (e.g. values > 5 = True). Python will then assess each value in the object to determine whether the value meets the criteria (True) or not (False). Python creates an output object that is the same shape as the original object, but with a True or False value for each index location.

Let’s try this out. Let’s identify all locations in the survey data that have null (missing or NaN) data values. We can use the isnull method to do this. Each cell with a null value will be assigned a value of True in the new boolean object.


To select the rows where there are null values, we can use the mask as an index to subset our data as follows:

#To select just the rows with NaN values, we can use the .any method

We can run isnull on a particular column too. What does the code below do?

# what does this do?
no_doi = articles_df[pd.isnull(articles_df['DOI'])]

Let’s take a minute to look at the statement above. We are using the Boolean object as an index. We are asking python to select rows that have a NaN value for DOI (Digital Object Identifier).


  1. Create a new DataFrame that only contains observations with Languages that are NOT English.
  2. Create a new DataFrame that contains only observations where the author count is greater than 2. Create a stacked bar plot of average number of authors by language with values stacked for each publisher.

Key Points