Python for Librarians

Plotting Your Data - Pandas


Teaching: ?? min
Exercises: ?? min
  • How can you visualize your data?

  • Visualizing data using pandas.

About Matplotlib

Matplotlib is a library that can be used to visualize data that has been loaded with a library like Pandas, Numpy, or Scipy.

For this tutorial, we’ll use Pandas for both data loading and as a easy front end to Matplotlib.

Pandas can use Matplotlib to create a wide variety of plots as shown in the Pandas documentation. To be able to display the plots in the Jupyter Notebook we have to turn on the support for inline graphs by using the “magic” command %pylab inline. The “magic” commands are special instructions for Jupyter Notebook that start with % and are not part of standard Python.

It is best to do this at the top of the notebook that you want to plot because it loads the Python libraries for plotting in a particular order, and it can sometimes cause problems if you have already loaded them separately.

%pylab inline

If you are using the Python Interactive Shell (with the >>> prompt), then you need to import matplotlib using a normal import command instead of the %pylab inline.

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Loading Data

For a more detailed tutorial on loading data, see the lesson on beginning with Pandas

For now, we’ll just use a simple statement to load the articles data.

import pandas as pd
articles_df = pd.read_csv('articles.csv')

Pandas can easily plot a set of data even larger than articles.csv, but for this example, we’ll take the first 50 of the ~1000 entries that are in articles.csv. For a more detailed tutorial on slicing data, see this lesson on masking and grouping.

small_dataset = articles_df[:50]

There’s a column in articles.csv named Author_Count which would make an excellent value to plot.

Simple Plotting

Now, we have an array of plot data indexed by the record_id value. Let’s plot it and give it a label.

small_dataset.Author_Count.plot(title='My Data')

This will plot the graph in your Jupyter notebook. If you are using the Python shell you will need to call to make the graph visible.

Saving the Plot

Note: the plt.savefig() must be in the same Notebook cell (see below for how to access the plot in subsequent cells)

In Jupyter notebook we can save the plot to a file like so:

small_dataset.Author_Count.plot(title='My Data')

This would save the file as a rasterized PNG image. The format is deduced from the file name or can be given explicitly using format parameter, eg. format="png". For raster images, in order to enhance quality one can also request particular resolution in dots per inch using dpi parameter. This may be useful when creating quality images for printing/publication. Vectorized images are supported as well, we just need to save the file as a SVG, EPS or PDF which is as simple as:

small_dataset.Author_Count.plot(title='My Data')


What’s a plot without a title, axis labels? Depending on the type of plot, Pandas will usually create a graph with the labels and legends set, but you can set them by accessing Matplotlib plt commands.

small_dataset.Author_Count.plot(title='Author counts From articles.csv')
plt.ylabel('Author count')

Accessing Plot in later Notebook cells

When you use Pandas to plot graphs, the pd.plot() function returns the Matplotlib axis object which can be used to make changes to the graph and to save it in later cells in the Jupyter notebook.

Repeat the plot but saving the result to the variable ax:

ax = small_dataset.Author_Count.plot(label='My Data')
fig = ax.get_figure()

Size and DPI

Another option when creating figures with Pandas is to fine tune the size and default resolution by using figsize, dpi and bbox_inches parameters:

small_dataset.Author_Count.plot(title='Author counts From articles.csv', figsize=(10, 8))
plt.savefig('junk.pdf', dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')

which will create a figure 8 inches high and 10 inches wide with resolution of 200 dots per inch with the margins of the saved figure as small as possible.

Managing styles


To use a different color, like red, we would plot our data like so:


Note that creating more than one plot on the same figure will make them use different colors unless specified otherwise. Here’s a list of predefined colors:

Code Color
b blue
g green
r red
c cyan
m magenta
y yellow
k black
w white

For more color flexibility, you can specify hexadecimal RGB values like so:


or use RGB coefficients of range 0-1 (which makes it easy to create multiple color-encoded plots in a loop):

small_dataset.Author_Count.plot(color=(0.1, 0.9, 0.6))

Line style

The default line style is a solid line. We can make it thinner or thicker by specifying linewidth or lw:


The default linewidth is 1. A linewidth of 3 would be 3 times as thick as the default. Likewise, a linewidth of .75 would be 3/4 of the thickness of the default.

Other types of plots

Pandas can do many types of plots. For example, a dot plot can be constructed like so:


The o means a dot. There are a variety of markers you can use. Here’s a complete list: Matplotlib line markers

A simple dashed line:

Value Style
’-‘ solid line (default)
’–’ dashed line
’-.’ dash-dot line
’:’ dotted line

Marker style

So far we have plotted only a simple line plot which is default. It is possible to specify also the data marker style which will create scatter plot or various connect-the-dots-like plot. For example, to use square data marker:

Marker Meaning
’.’ point
‘o’ circle
‘v’ triangle down
’^’ triangle up
’s’ square
‘p’ pentagon
‘star’ star
‘h’ hexagon
’+’ plus
‘D’ diamond

Configuration of plot axes

So far we have used a simple, default, uniform axis. But you have complete control over the way axes are organized.

Plot range

One can adjust the range of axes using set xlim for horizontal and ylim for vertical axis. For instance to set X limit to [10; 30] one can use:


Plot scale

In many cases it is useful to use logarithmic scale on one or both axes.

Just the y-axis:





small_dataset.Author_Count.plot(logx=True, logy=True)

Two independent X or Y axes

To create a plot with two X or two Y axes having different scales, units, ranges one can use plt.twinx and plt.twiny:

ax = small_dataset.Author_Count.plot(color='g')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
small_dataset.Citation_Count.plot(color='r', ax=ax2)
ax.set_ylabel('Author Count')
ax2.set_ylabel('Citation Count')

This will create a plot with two independent Y axes, one for Author_Count and one for Citation_Count. Both plots will share the same X-axis.

Describing the plot

In the examples above the plot is not ready to be published. We would like to add titles, axes labels, tick markers, maybe some grid or legend.

Adding legend

All plots can be labelled upon creation:

small_dataset.Author_Count.plot(color='g', title="Citation Count and Author Count")

and a legend can be automatically generated and positioned either by keyword or coordinates.

ax = small_dataset.Author_Count.plot(color='g', title="Citation Count and Author Count")
ax2 = ax.twinx()
small_dataset.Citation_Count.plot(color='r', ax=ax2)
ax.set_ylabel('Author Count')
ax.legend(loc=[1.2, 0.9])
ax2.set_ylabel('Citation Count')
ax2.legend(loc=[1.2, 0.7])

Label rotation & Grids

Labels can be rotated by adding parameter rotation=angle_in_degrees. To draw a grid with grid lines at the ticks use plt.grid().

small_dataset.Citation_Count.plot(rot=45, grid=True)

Plot variations

Pandas supports a number of different plot variations by setting the kind parameter including; kind :

To use a bar plot:



Go exploring

There are many examples of plot types on these sites:

A box and whisker plot:

A Realistic Example

You may have noticed there’s some more data beyond just the Author_Count value in articles.csv. Let’s plot the number of articles per month.

Pandas has some built-in tools that make it easy to group your data.

grouped_small_dataset = articles_df.groupby('Month')

A bar chart of articles per month:

ax = grouped_small_dataset.Title.count().plot(kind='bar', color='green', title='Article count per month')
ax.set_ylabel('Number of articles')

Using a boxplot we can look at the distribution of the number of authors and citations per article for each language:

ax = articles_df.boxplot(column=['Author_Count', 'Citation_Count'], by='LanguageId')

More Information

This is a basic tutorial to get you started using Python to make your graphs. For more information on Pandas visualisation, visit the documentation:

Key Points