
Figure 1

Arrows pointing different ways

Figure 2

Arrows pointing different ways

Figure 3

The four components of computational thinking
The four components of computational thinking

Figure 4



Figure 1

Spotting a pattern
Spotting a pattern

Computational thinking in practice

Figure 1

Computational thinking at work
The computational thinking process in action

Figure 2

Structure diagram
Basic Structure Diagram

Computational thinking in programming

Figure 1

counting words in a text
Counting words in a text

Figure 2

Branching code
Branching code


Figure 1

Pseudocode steps
Pseudocode steps

Figure 2

How loops work
Loops in programming

Figure 3

Steps in the loop
Steps in the copying loop

Figure 4

Loop as it would be written in the Unix shell
Coding a loop in the Unix shell

Potential solutions to practice exercises

Figure 1

Steps in the loop
Steps in the copying loop

Figure 2

Loop as it would be written in the Unix shell
Coding a loop in the Unix shell

Figure 3

Confirming a remove command{alt=“RM command in the shell”, width=“75%”}