What is Git/GitHub?

  • Version control helps track changes to files and projects
  • Git and GitHub are not the same

Getting started with Git

  • When you initialize a Git repository in a directory, Git starts tracking the changes you make inside that directory.
  • This tracking creates a history of the way the files have changed over time.
  • Git uses a two-step process to record changes to your files. Changes to files must first be added to the staging area, then committed to the Git repository.

Sharing your work

  • remote repositories on GitHub help you collaborate and share your work
  • push is a Git verb for sending changes from the local repository to a remote repository
  • pull is a Git verb for bringing changes from a remote repository to the local repository
  • diff is a Git verb for viewing the difference between an edited file and the file’s most recent commit


  • the language of Git can be confusing and intimidating
  • rephrasing commands and drawing concepts can clarify Git’s workflow

GitHub Pages

  • GitHub Pages offer an automated way to create a website that is version controlled and accessible for collaboration
  • Collaborating on a GitHub Pages website uses the same Git/GitHub workflow you learned for collaborating via a GitHub repository